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Changes in microbial community composition, activity, and greenhouse gas production upon inundation of drained iron-rich peat soils

A.E.E. De Jong
S. Guererro-Cruz
J.M.H. Van Diggelen
A. Vaksmaa
L.P.M. Lamers
M.S.M. Jetten
A.J.P. Smolders
O. Rasigraf

Soil Biology and Biochemistry (2020)



Sphagnum farming from species selection to the production of growing media: a review

G. Gaudig
M. Krebs
A. Prager
S. Wichmann
M. Barney
S.J.M. Caporn
M. Emmel
C. Fritz
M. Graf
A. Grobe
S. Gutierrez Pacheco
S. Hogue-Hugron
S. Holzträger
S. Irrgang
A. Kämäräinen
E. Karofeld
G. Koch
J.F. Koebbing
S. Kumar
I. Matchutadze
C. Oberpaur
J. Oestmann
P. Raabe
D. Rammes
L. Rochefort
G. Schmilewksi
J. Sendžikaitė
A.J.P. Smolders
B. St-Hilaire
B.P. van de Riet
B. Wright
N. Wright
L. Zoch
H. Joosten

Mires and Peat (2018) Volume 20, Article 13, 1–30.


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Peatlands affected by biogeochemical stressors

G. Van Dijk

PhD thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen (December 14, 2017)

Click here for pdf.

Cross continental increase in methane ebullition under climate change

R.C.H. Aben
N. Barros
E. Van Donk
T. Frenken
S. Hilt
G. Kazanjian
L.P.M. Lamers
E.T.H.M. Peeters
J.G.M. Roelofs
L.N. de Senerpont Domis
S. Stephan
M. Velthuis
D.B. Van de Waal
M. Wik
B.F. Thornton
J. Wilkinson
T. DelSontro
S. Kosten

Nature Communications (2017) 8: 1682 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01535-y.