Since the 1980s, research has been conducted in the Netherlands on the effects of excess nitrogen on various natural ecosystems. Because excess nitrogen influences different levels of organization in ecosystems, the effects on species and ecosystem functioning are complex. B-WARE is working to further understand and quantify the effects of nitrogen deposition nature. Apart from measuring the effects of nitrogen in natural systems and publishing these results ourselves, we also , participate in various advisory committees and collaborate in (inter)national nitrogen studies.
Especially in higher, dry, sandy soils, the effects of excessive nitrogen deposition are visible through a progressive loss of characteristic plant and animal species. Together with (research) partners, B-WARE is working to develop and test measures to restore these ecosystems. Examples include research into the development of ground silicate minerals (stone meal) as an alternative to liming in heaths and forests; alternatives to ploughing up heathland; the effectiveness of phased grazing in hillside scrublands in South Limburg; and the development of effective methods to reintroduce disappearing plant species to heathland grasslands.
"Is my area also affected by the problems of acidification and eutrophication, and if so, what can I do? ". Site managers, municipalities and provincial governments regularly approach B-WARE with questions about possible bottlenecks and solutions in nitrogen-sensitive natural areas. Our projects can range from single measurements in small, privately-owned forest plots to understanding the functioning of larger heathland grasslands for the provincial government. By carrying out targeted physico-chemical measurements of soil, water and/or plants, possible bottlenecks are identified. We convert the obtained knowledge into targeted and practical advice, in which we also include site history, current natural values and environmental factors.
Do you have questions about nitrogen or do you want to enquire about commissioning a study, our methods or costs? Or would you like to receive a brochure? Please contact B-WARE Research Center at