Self-facilitation and negative species interactions could drive microscale vegetation mosaic in a floating fen
T.J.H.M. Van Bergen
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Barriers to restoration: Soil acidity and phosphorus limitation constrain recovery of heathland plant communities after sod cutting
Barriers to restoration: Soil acidity and phosphorus limitation constrain recovery of heathland plant communities after sod cutting
J.J. Vogels
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Middellange termijn effecten van chopperen en drukbegrazing als alternatieven voor plaggen op natte heide
M. Wallis de Vries
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Laagveenherstel door vernatting. Terug naar oernatuur in de vallei van de Zwarte Beek
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The effects of alkalinity and cations on the vitality of Sphagnum palustre L.
The effects of alkalinity and cations on the vitality of Sphagnum palustre L.
A.H.W. Koks
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Are we restoring functional fens? – The outcomes of restoration projects in fens reanalysed with plant functional traits
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Effects of groundwater nitrate and sulphate enrichment on groundwater-fed mires: a case study
G. Van Dijk
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Steenmeel en natuurherstel: een gelukkige relatie of een risicovolle combinatie?
R. Van Diggelen
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Heideherstel met vulkamin - Een beter alternatief voor dolocal?
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Salinization lowers nutrient availability in formerly brackish freshwater wetlands; unexpected results from a long-term field experiment
G. Van Dijk
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