CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions from dredged material exposed to drying and zeolite addition under field and laboratory conditions
CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions from dredged material exposed to drying and zeolite addition under field and laboratory conditions
Herstel van droge- en vochtige heide door middel van silicaatmineralen (steenmeel). Resultaten van negen jaar steenmeelonderzoek
Rapportnummer OBN-2019-109-DZ Vereniging van Bos- en Natuurterreineigenaren (VBNE), Driebergen.
Basenrijkdom en beperkte fosfaatbeschikbaarheid cruciaal voor soortenrijke vochtige bossen
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Kansen voor heischraal grasland in het Heuvelland
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Overzicht van kritische depositiewaarden voor stikstof, toegepast op habitattypen en leefgebieden van Natura 2000; Herziening 2023.
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Restoring organic matter, carbon and nutrient accumulation in degraded peatlands: 10 years Sphagnum paludiculture
Restoring organic matter, carbon and nutrient accumulation in degraded peatlands: 10 years Sphagnum paludiculture
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Water level and vegetation type control carbon fuxes in a newly‑constructed soft‑sediment wetland
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Towards a mechanistic understanding of the impacts of nitrogen deposition on producer–consumer interactions
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Veel habitattypen blijken nóg gevoeliger voor stikstof
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Nutrient dynamics of 12 Sphagnum species during establishment on a rewetted bog
Nutrient dynamics of 12 Sphagnum species during establishment on a rewetted bog
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