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The effects of shifting vegetation mosaics on habitat suitability for coastal dune fauna - a case study on sand lizards (Lacerta agilis)

B. Wouters
M. Nijssen
G. Geerling
H. Van kleef
E.S. Remke
W. Verberk

Journal of Coastal Conservation 16: 89–99. (

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Restoration of a terrestrialized soak lake of an Irish raised bog: results of field experiments

P.H. Crushell
A.J.P. Smolders
M.G.C. Schouten
B.J.M. Robroek
G. Van Wirdum
J.G.M. Roelofs

Restoration Ecology (2011) 190: 261-272.

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Effects of sediment pore water qualities on the decline of Stratiotes aloides L. stands in Bremen, Germany

N. Zantout
P. Wilfert
A.J.P. Smolders
G. Weber
D. Zacharias

Fundamental and Applied Limnology (2011) 179: 131-136.