Effecten van verhoogde stikstofdepositie: is herstelbeheer zinvol?
R. Bobbink
L.J.L. Van den Berg
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Behoud van variatie in vennen met behulp van biogeochemische inzichten
E. Brouwer
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Nieuwe bacterie in het hellingveen van de Brunssummerheide
G. Van Dijk
K. Ettwig
A.J.P. Smolders
M. Jetten
B. Zhu
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C. Fritz
Natuurhistorisch maandblad (2013) 102: 340-342.
Impacts of water level fluctuation on mesotrophic rich fens: acidification vs. eutrophication
C. Cusell
L.P.M. Lamers
G. Van Wirdum
A. Kooijman
Journal of Applied Ecology (2013) 50: 998–1009.
Verbrakking in voormalig brak laag Nederland: bedreiging of kans?
G. Van Dijk
P.J. Westendorp
R. Loeb
A.J.P. Smolders
H2O online 28 maart 2013.
Beheer Wormer- en Jisperveld vraagt maatwerk. Meerjarig onderzoek waterkwaliteit geeft inzicht.
J.M.H. Van Diggelen
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Differential effects of oxidised and reduced nitrogen on vegetation and soil chemistry of species-rich acidic grasslands
E. Dorland
C.J. Stevens
C. Gaudnik
E. Corcket
S. Rotthier
K. Wotherspoon
M. Jokerud
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M.B. Soons
M.M. Hefting
P. Arild Aarrestad
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D.J.G. Gowing
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Water Air and Soil Pollution (2013) 224:1664; DOI 10.1007/s11270-013-1664-4
Iron addition as a shallow lake restoration measure: impacts on charophyte growth
A.K. Immers
M.T. Van der Sande
R.M. Van der Sande
J.J.M. Geurts
E. Van Donk
E.S. Bakker
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Responses of the Azolla filiculoides Stras.–Anabaena azollae Lam. association to elevated sodium chloride concentrations: Amino acids as indicators for salt stress and tipping point
Responses of the Azolla filiculoides Stras.–Anabaena azollae Lam. association to elevated sodium chloride concentrations: Amino acids as indicators for salt stress and tipping point
M.M.L. Van Kempen
A.J.P. Smolders
G.M. Bögemann
L.P.M. Lamers
E.J.W. Visser
J.G.M. Roelofs
Aquatic Botany (2013) 106: 20-28.
Fast and inexpensive detection of total and extractable element concentrations in aquatic sediments using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)
T. Kleinebecker
M.D.M. Poelen
A.J.P. Smolders
L.P.M. Lamers
N. Hölzel
PLOS ONE (2013) 8(7): e70517