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Population dynamics of the migratory fish Prochilodus lineatus in a neotropical river: the relationships with river discharge, flood pulse, El Nino and fluvial megafan behaviour

M.J.M. Stassen
M.W.P.M. Van de Ven
T. Van der Heide
M.A. Guerrero Hiza
G. Van der Velde
A.J.P. Smolders

Neotropical Ichthyology (2010) 8: 113-122.

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Global prevalence of methane oxidation by symbiotic bacteria in peat-moss ecosystems

N. Kip
J.F. Van Winden
Y. Pan
L. Bodrossy
G.J. Reichart
A.J.P. Smolders
M.S.M. Jetten
J.S. Sinninghe Damste
H.J.M. Op den Camp

Nature Geoscience (2010) 3: 617-621.

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The interaction between decomposition, net N and P mineralization and their mobilization to the surface water in fens

J.J.M. Geurts
A.J.P. Smolders
A.M. Banach
J.P.M.V. De Graaf
J.G.M. Roelofs
L.P.M. Lamers

Water Research (2010) 44: 3487-3495.