Vijf decennia te veel stikstof: de effecten op heide en bos
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Causes of macrophyte mass development and management recommendations
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The threat of groundwater pollution for petrifying springs; defining nutrient threshold values for an endangered bryophyte dominated habitat
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Carbon limitation and aluminium toxicity prevents dominance of Crassula helmsii on weakly buffered soils
Carbon limitation and aluminium toxicity prevents dominance of Crassula helmsii on weakly buffered soils
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Impact of black cherry on pedunculate oak vitality in mixed forests: Balancing benefits and concerns
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Kansen voor heischraal grasland in het Heuvelland
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Herstel van droge- en vochtige heide door middel van silicaatmineralen (steenmeel). Resultaten van negen jaar steenmeelonderzoek
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Restoring organic matter, carbon and nutrient accumulation in degraded peatlands: 10 years Sphagnum paludiculture
Restoring organic matter, carbon and nutrient accumulation in degraded peatlands: 10 years Sphagnum paludiculture
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Nutrient dynamics of 12 Sphagnum species during establishment on a rewetted bog
Nutrient dynamics of 12 Sphagnum species during establishment on a rewetted bog
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