Waterkwaliteit in het veenweidegebied. De complexe interacties tussen oever, waterbodem en oppervlaktewater.
A.J.P. Smolders
J.M.H. Van Diggelen
J.J.M. Geurts
M.D.M. Poelen
J.G.M. Roelofs
E.C.H.E.T. Lucassen
L.P.M. Lamers
Landschap (2013) 30: 145-153.
Water table and species identity outweigh carbon and nitrogen availability in a softwater plant community
F. Vanderhaeghe
A.J.P. Smolders
J.G.M. Roelofs
M. Hoffmann
Acta Oecologia (2013) 47: 57-67.
Sulfaatbronnen in het Hollandse veenlandschap
J. Vermaat
J. Harmsen
F. Hellmann
H. Van der Geest
J. De Klein
S. Kosten
A.J.P. Smolders
J. Verhoeven
R. Mes
Landschap (2013) 30: 5-14.
Fosfaatbinding door ijzerrijk slib in landbouwsloten
M. Vliex
J.J.M. Geurts
C. Cusell
L.P.M. Lamers
H2O-Online 4 november 2013
Invasive crayfish threaten the development of submerged macrophytes in lake restoration
J.E.M. Van der Wal
M. Dorenbosch
A.K. Immers
C. Vidal Forteza
J.J.M. Geurts
E.T.H.M. Peeters
B. Kroese
E.S. Bakker
PLOS ONE (2013) 8(10): e78579.
Verbrakking: bedreiging of kans?
G. Van Dijk
R. Loeb
L.P.M. Lamers
P.J. Westendorp
A.J.P. Smolders
B.P. van de Riet
Tussen Duin & Dijk (2012) 4: 21-24.
Ecologische gradiënten op de helling in de Brunssummerheide
G. Van Dijk
A.J.P. Smolders
C. Fritz
A. Grootjans
N. Straathof
G.A. Van Duinen
De Levende Natuur (2012) 113: 174-179.
Nutrient additions in pristine Patagonian Sphagnum bog vegetation: can phosphorus addition alleviate (the effects of) increased nitrogen loads
Nutrient additions in pristine Patagonian Sphagnum bog vegetation: can phosphorus addition alleviate (the effects of) increased nitrogen loads
C. Fritz
G. Van Dijk
A.J.P. Smolders
V.A. Pancotto
J.G.M. Roelofs
A.P. Grootjans
Plant Biology (2012) DOI: 10.1111/j.1438-8677.2011.00527.x
Methanotrophic activity and diversity in different Sphagnum magellanicum dominated habitats in the southernmost peat bogs of Patagonia
Methanotrophic activity and diversity in different Sphagnum magellanicum dominated habitats in the southernmost peat bogs of Patagonia
N. Kip
C. Fritz
E.S. Langelaan
Y. Pan
L. Bodrossy
V. Pancotto
M.S.M. Jetten
A.J.P. Smolders
H.J.M. Op den Camp
Biogeosciences (2012) 9: 47–55.
Microbial transformations of nitrogen, sulfur, and iron dictate vegetation composition in wetlands: a review
L.P.M. Lamers
J.M.H. Van Diggelen
H.J.M. Op den Camp
E.J.W. Visser
E.C.H.E.T. Lucassen
M.A. Vile
M.S.M. Jetten
A.J.P. Smolders
J.G.M. Roelofs
Frontiers in Microbiology (2012) 3: 1-12.