Effects of guanotrophication and warming on the abundance of green algae, cyanobacteria and microcystins in Lake Lesser Prespa, Greece
V. Maliaka
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Litter quality and the law of the most limiting: Opportunities for restoring nutrient cycles in acidified forest soils
E. Desie
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Doet extreme droogte stikstofbom in droge heide barsten?
R. Bobbink
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Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap (2019) 116: 3-6.
Self-facilitation and negative species interactions could drive microscale vegetation mosaic in a floating fen
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Recognize the high potential of paludiculture on rewetted peat soils to mitigate climate change
J.J.M. Geurts
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Naar een sober en doelmatig meetnet bodem- en grondwaterkwaliteit voor grondwaterafhankelijke natuur in duingebieden
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Stikstofdepositie: sluipmoordenaar voor natuur - Effecten van N-depositie op de biodiversiteit van natuurterreinen
R. Bobbink
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Initial soil community drives heathland fungal community trajectory over multiple years through altered plant–soil interactions
D. Radujković
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De toekomst van ons veenweidelandschap - Over vernatten, optoppen en veenmosteelt
A.J.P. Smolders
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Barriers to restoration: Soil acidity and phosphorus limitation constrain recovery of heathland plant communities after sod cutting
Barriers to restoration: Soil acidity and phosphorus limitation constrain recovery of heathland plant communities after sod cutting
J.J. Vogels
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R.-J. Bijlsma
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