Bruinkleuring van Apeldoornse vijvers: kommer en kwel?
Y.J.M. Verstijnen
M. Van Mullekom
A.J.P. Smolders
D. Anema
L. Holsteijn
A. Swenne
H2O-Online (2024) 15 mei 2024
A novel method to estimate the response of habitat types to nitrogen deposition
G.W.W. Wamelink
P.W. Goedhart
H.D. Roelofsen
R. Bobbink
M. Posch
H.F. Van Dobben
I. Biurrun
G. Bonari
J. Dengler
D. Dítĕ
E. Garbolino
J. Jansen
A.K. Jašková
J. Lenoir
T. Peterka
Environmental Pollution (2024) 349: 123844.
Lower nitrate leaching from dairy cattle slurry compared to synthetic fertilizer calcium ammonium nitrate applied to grassland
H.C. De Boer
M. Van Mullekom
A.J.P. Smolders
Environmental Pollution (2024) 344, DOI10.1016/j.envpol.2023.123088
Rewetting drained peatlands through subsoil infiltration stabilises redox-dependent soil carbon and nutrient dynamics
S.F. Harpenslager
G. Van Dijk
J. Boonman
S. Weideveld
B.P. van de Riet
M.M. Hefting
A.J.P. Smolders
Geoderma (2024) 442, 116787.
The threat of groundwater pollution for petrifying springs; defining nutrient threshold values for an endangered bryophyte dominated habitat
H. De Mars
G. Van Dijk
B. Van der Weijden
A.P. Grootjans
L. Wołejko
G. Farr
J. Graham
P. Oosterlynck
A.J.P. Smolders
Environmental Pollution (2024) 344, 123324.
Trophic transfer of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, P and Se in Dutch storage water reservoirs
Y.J.M. Verstijnen
E.C.H.E.T. Lucassen
A.J. Wagenvoort
H.A.M. Ketelaars
G. Van der Velde
A.J.P. Smolders
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2024)
Redox potential is a robust indicator for decomposition processes in drained agricultural peat soils: A valuable tool in monitoring peatland wetting efforts
S.F. Harpenslager
G. Van Dijk
A.J.P. Smolders
M.M. Hefting
B.P. van de Riet
Y. Van der Velde
Geoderma (2024) 441, 116728.
Carbon limitation and aluminium toxicity prevents dominance of Crassula helmsii on weakly buffered soils
Carbon limitation and aluminium toxicity prevents dominance of Crassula helmsii on weakly buffered soils
J. Van Doorn
E.C.H.E.T. Lucassen
M.I.J.T. Van Roosmalen
A.J.P. Smolders
Aquatic Botany (2024) 191, 103737
Wetscapes provide the physical basis to sustainable peatland livelihoods
R.J.M. Temmink
B.J.M. Robroek
G. Van Dijk
A.H.W. Koks
S.A. Käärmelahti
A. Barthelmes
M.J. Wassen
R. Ziegler
M.N. Steele
W. Giesen
H. Joosten
C. Fritz
L.P.M. Lamers
A.J.P. Smolders
Ambio (2024) 53: 355-357.
Impact of black cherry on pedunculate oak vitality in mixed forests: Balancing benefits and concerns
E. Desie
B. Muys
J. den Ouden
B.J.M. Nyssen
R. Sousa-Silva
A.B. Van den Burg
G.A. Van Duinen
K. Van Meerbeek
M.J. Weijters
K. Vancampenhout
Forest Ecosystems (2023) 10, 100148.